Books’ Structure-
- Subjects included- General Knowledge | General Science | Mathematics | Reasoning
- Theories explained with examples
- Unique & non-repetitive questions covered
- Available in Hindi
Books’ Key Features-
- Complete theory based on the latest syllabus pattern.
- Important questions have been given chapter-wise.
- The practice set book contains questions based on all types of patterns.
Why are these books the best?
- By studying from these practice sets you’ll learn concepts on all subjects and topics.
- Important, unique, and non-repetitive questions are given
- By practicing questions from this best practice set book you may get strong practice on all topics.
- Detailed solutions are given in order to get a clear explanation for each.
- Absolute and Complete preparation for Bank, SSC, Defense, Management (CAT, XAT GMAT), Railway, Police, and Civil Services 2023 can be done only from this combo.