Books’ Structure
This is a combo of 2 books—RRB Combined Math Question Bank and Competitive Math Text Book in Hindi.
The Best Mathematics books for competitive exams in Hindi is useful for NRA CET, SSC, Bank, Railway, Defence, Police, and other Exams
This Combo contains one free RRB Combined Math Question Bank by DP Singh Sir
Key Features of the Books
Railway Math Book includes 1100+ Chapter-Wise best questions from railway previous year paper.
Question Bank book contains chapterwise, typewise, and exam-wise theory. .
The math book for competitive exams provides complete coverage of all chapters of mathematics.
Question bank contains RRB syllabus and exam paper pattern for NTPC, Group D, JE & ALP.
The Maths Textbook is useful for all competitive exams.
Why are these books the best?
The best math book for competitive exams includes countless examples with tips and tricks for math questions.
Practicing from the Math Textbook will help you do self-analysis.
These Combo books will help you prepare your best for your exams.