Book Structure Of BPSSC Bihar SI | Bihar Daroga Practice Sets and Solved Papers Book
- Bihar SI Practice book includes 25 Practice Sets.
- Bihar Police SI practice set book contains 5 solved Bihar Daroga previous year papers from 2019 to 2023.
- Bihar SI practice set pdf free download | Bihar Daroga practice set pdf free download.
Bihar Police Sub Inspector Practice Sets Book Key Features-
- The Bihar Sub Inspector practice book includes an analytical chart that highlights trends and patterns from Bihar SI previous year paper (2017 -2023).
- Bihar SI practice sets are 100% aligned with the Bihar SI exam pattern.
- Bihar Daroga practice sets book contains Bihar Daroga syllabus and exam pattern.
Why is Bihar Daroga (Bihar Sub Inspector) book the best?
- Bihar Daroga practice sets are designed just like the actual exam, so you can get a feel of the exam before the actual BPSSC exam.
- Bihar SI practice sets include new and very important questions for your sufficient practice.
- Bihar Sub Inspector practice sets will help you accurately estimate your readiness for the exams by up to 90% and learn time management before the exam.
- Practice as many practice sets because only practice brings perfection.