Book Structure-
- Contains 1000+ important chapter-wise questions
- Includes 25 Practice Sets and 5 solved papers.
- Also includes 50 chapter-wise solved papers
Book Key Features-
- This combo contains 3 books i.e. Bihar Police SI Study Guide, Practice sets and solved papers.
- The theory of the guide book is completely based on Bihar Police syllabus and previous years questions.
- The questions in practice sets and solved papers gives you an idea about the paper pattern and also helps you to identify your level of preparation.
- The presented combo also contains detailed solutions to each question
- The book covers all the important and unique questions from the subjects that are important for Bihar Police Exams including SI.
- All the books in this combo are available in Hindi.
Why is this book the best?
- Study guide of this combo helps you to understand every topic as theory has been given point wise and in simple language.
- A proper explanation of every answer is given to clear the concepts in the books.
- The practice sets and solved papers makes you familiar with the actual exam paper pattern.
- Practice questions included in the books will make your revision easier in less time.
- Questions given in the books are all important questions that will surely come in the latest exam.