This Combo Contains two books-DSSSB Primary Teacher PRT Child Development And Pedagogy (CDP) Complete Study book and Solved Papers
DSSSB Primary Teacher PRT Child Development And Pedagogy (CDP) Complete Study book
Book Structure
- Complete syllabus-wise study book
- Useful for nursery teachers and special education teachers
Book Key Features-
- Important content of NCERT, NIOS & IGNOU Textbooks & other authentic sources covered.
- Detailed theory given point-wise and in easy language.
- Chapter-wise important questions included.
DSSSB Primary Teacher PRT Child Development And Pedagogy (CDP) Solved Papers
Book Structure-
- 45 Chapter-wise solved paper (2014-till date)
- 2700+ bilingual questions.
Book Key Feature-
- Chapter Wise collection of all-time best questions.
- Helpful in PRTs, PGTs, TGTs, DASS, and other exams.
Why this Combo is Best?
- Chapter-wise important questions for DSSSB exams help you analyse your weak topics and improve them before the actual exam.
- The detailed solutions to the questions leave no scope for confusion.
- Practicing chapter-wise solved papers will help you do self-analysis.
- You can also identify the level of difficulty of the DSSSB 2023 exam.
- You can accurately estimate your readiness for the DSSSB Child Development and Pedagogy exam up to 90%.