- Complete Guidebook
- 1 Solved Paper + 1 Practice Set
- 1400+ Chapter-wise Questions
- This UPSSSC PET Group C study guide will help you in preparation for the upcoming exams in less time.
- The presented book includes an analytical chart of previous year papers.
- In this guide book, the theory is completely based on UPSSSC PET Latest syllabus.
- The book also contains the latest exam paper pattern which makes you familiar with the actual exam.
- This book provides you correct and complete practice because it has incorporated the latest budget, facts and data in the content.
- You don’t need multiple books to prepare UPSSSC PET because with this guidebook you can prepare everything needed for the exam.
- This book is the only success key to cracking your exam on the first attempt.
- In 2021 & 2022, 50% of questions asked in the exam were already present in this book.
- It has been designed just like the actual exam, so you can get a feel of the exam before the actual exam.
- Our Subject Matter Experts have prepared the content and they can surely assure you that 80 % questions will be asked in the exam from this book only.